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Showing posts from December, 2020

4 Practical Ways To Better Yourself in One just Week Intensely

 4 Practical Ways To Better Yourself in  One just Week Intensely Self-improvement can be hard work. No, let’s rephrase that. It is hard work. It can take a year or a lifetime, which is why we tend to give up on ourselves. But what if you could better yourself in just one week. Good news – you can! Do these 4 things – it’s an excellent start!  #1 Become Mindful of Your Topic The more mindful you are about what you want to change in your life, the more momentum you will have to make those changes. You can make yourself more aware of these changes you are working on by giving yourself small reminders. Shine light on what it is you want to get better at  #2 Be Accountable You need to be accountable to those around you as well as yourself. When you make yourself accountable you are much more likely to succeed at what you are doing. Let your friends, family, co-workers, social network friends, etc. know what your goal is – what you are trying to achieve. You will suddenly ...

Grow And Improve-6 Attractive Habits To Help You Improve Yourself In Life

 Grow And Improve-6 Attractive Habits To Help You Improve Yourself In Life Are you looking to become a better you? Are you constantly looking for ways to improve yourself in life? Here are 6 things you can do to help you on your personal journey. Some are easy and others are more difficult. But we all need a challenge.  #1 Learn a New Language – Now is a great time to learn a new language. Pick one that interests you. Perhaps a country you dream of visiting one day. You will not only learn a new language you will open yourself to a new cultural experience. #2 Every Day Read – Books are filled with tons of wisdom and yet they seem to be going by the wayside. Books can really enrich your life. Every day, pick up a book and read, whether it’s 5 pages, a chapter, or an entire book. Make reading a daily habit.  #3 It’s Time for a New Hobby – You might already have a favorite hobby or perhaps you’ve never had a hobby. Now’s a great time to choose a new hobby and expand your h...

How To Achieve Your Inner Peace

 How You Can Achieve Your Inner Peace If inner peace seems elusive and unattainable, far away or unreal you aren’t alone. Most of us feel that way at one time or another. Part of your self-improvement plan can be to learn how to achieve inner peace. It will be a skill that will help you throughout life. You will be calm during times of stress and during situations that need your immediate attention. One thing you need to always remember – to achieve inner peace is to recognize it is defined by outer circumstances. Let’s look at the steps you can take. #1 Simplify Keeping your life simple will contribute to your inner peace because it directs your energy to a single point. Toss out everything that holds you back. That includes friends and acquaintances who drain you and in return give you nothing. Remember quality over quantity. Keep it simple stay focused. #2 Be in the Present The only time that really matters is the present because it’s the only time that really exists. That past ...

3 Reasons Why Early Risers Can be More Your Successful in Life

 3 Reasons Why Early Risers Can be More Your Successful in Life We all go to bed at night and we all wake up in the morning. Each day you can, seize the day and create your life. Each day you can have a ‘do-over’ of sorts. Every morning you have the opportunity to rise early excited to begin your day. However, that’s not how morning looks to everyone. Many of us sleep late and feel like we are playing catch up all day. It’s pretty common for people to hit the snooze button more than once in the morning. Yet, for some of the most successful people, their morning starts early because they are aware that it gives them an advantage in their life. So while you are enjoying those last vivid dream minutes someone else is up and already reading, working, exercising, meditating, etc. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO is up at 4:30 am  Let’s look at why waking early gives you better odds at success in your life: 1. In the morning you have stronger willpower . Your willpower is a limited resource an...

How to Think Yourself Beautiful

 How to Think Yourself Beautiful Your thoughts create reality. At least that’s the belief of many experts and those who have experienced this know exactly what we’re talking about. If you haven’t yet experienced creating your reality, it’s time you did.  One of the areas that people have the most trouble with is manifesting their physical appearance – their beauty. This is especially true of women, who can have deep insecurities about their weight, skin, hair, etc. So manifesting yourself beautiful might seem impossible, but it’s not. Sometimes we manifest ourselves in a physical way that’s linked to an event in our past and we don’t even realize we’ve done this.  There are five steps you need to follow to think yourself beautiful. Are you ready? 1. Discovering yourself  what your trigger is - For some of you, it will be the moment you decided you were unattractive and it will be easy to recognize. But for others, the trigger may not be so evident quickly. It is impo...

3 Principles To Achieve Success In Your Life

  Achieve Success in Your Life Using These 3 Principles  We tend to make living a successful life more complicated than it needs to be. It’s human nature to want to overcomplicate even the simplest concepts because we can’t seem to get how something could be that simple. We often maintain this ideal to stop ourselves from being successful. Sure, life is difficult and it can be hard, but that’s how it was designed to be. Achieving success isn’t as difficult as you might think, just use these 3 principles.  #1 Begin with what you can control. If you are like most people, you spend too much time worrying about things that are outside of your control. These things cause you stress because you spend your day focusing on how terrible your situation is rather than how you can change your situation. For example, you can’t control that you didn’t exercise in the past. There is no value in wasting energy focusing on the past. Instead, learn from your mistakes and make changes....

Bad Habits You Need To Stop To Improve Your Work Life

  Bad Habits You Need to Stop to Improve Your Work Life You’re on a self-improvement mission – good for you! But, before you make a big list of things you can do to improve your life, you should start by looking at the bad habits you need to stop. We all have bad habits and they can all interfere with us being the best we can be. We often feel comfortable doing the same things day-after-day, but you might not realize that some of these habits can interfere with you being productive and they can even harm your work life.  #1 Stop smoking  If you could inhale productivity like you inhale cigarette smoke, but we can’t. What happens is your concentration will decrease after you have a cigarette and so will your productivity. Worse, if you are anxious for your next cigarette your concentration also falters. If you want to be more productive and live a healthier life, you need to quit smoking. #2 Make the Right Music Choices The music you would listen to during a workout is goi...


  The Best Ways to Help Improve You If you are focused on self-improvement you want to know the best ways to be successful. Let’s take a look at some of those right now.  Be mindful of your topic - The more mindful you are when you are attempting to make changes in your life the more momentum you will have going forward. When you are more aware of what you want to get better at you can give yourself reminders during your day. Post its, a reminder on your smartphone, etc. can all shine a light on what it is you are working towards Be accountable to yourself and others – When you make yourself accountable you will take your goal more seriously. So make sure that share what you are doing with your friends, family, co-workers, social networks, etc. It will help you achieve your goal. Keep track of your actions – If you track something you can do a much better job of managing it so in your self-improvement mission make sure that you track the days and hours you spend on the changes...


  How to Build Your Self Confidence  Have you ever wished you had the confidence that someone else has? Have you ever wondered what their secret was? Why do some people build confidence with ease while others have a hard time? It is an age-old question. What if you could build the same self-confidence? The good news is you can. Are you ready to learn the secrets? Learn and Improve If you want to build confidence, get better at something. Put your energy into building your expertise in a certain area. Not sure, what you want to become an expert in? Consider where your strengths are and where your talents are.  How many times have you said, “I’m worthless,” or “I’m useless,” to yourself? Well, my friend, that is not the truth. Every individual is born for a purpose, and you just need to find it. It all starts with the thing you love to do. Is it painting, cooking, teaching, building objects, or solving complex mathematical equations? No matter where your interests may lie, ...

Most Effective Ways Of Communications As A Good Leader

Good communication skills are crucial in a leader if they are to remain a leader. A leader can be defined as someone who plays a prominent role in a business or a department within it. There are also religious, political and community leaders, leaders of groups and teams, and so on. In this guide, we will be looking at business leaders and how good communication skills are an important part of effective leadership. Let’s start with a definition of a good leader, and how they show they are a good leader through their communication style and choices. WHAT IS EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN A GOOD LEADER? Some people seem to be born leaders, while others have leadership thrust upon them. History shows us that many people who come from fairly humble origins have been suddenly transformed into legends in their own time and beyond. What creates a Julius Caesar or a Napoleon? What creates in our era, and with less conquering involved, the likes of Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffett? T...